Setting Goals for the New Year

January 1st has come and gone, but I’ve chosen to take this time that I have off from school to reflect on what I accomplished this past year and decide what I would like to focus on in the upcoming year. Here are some goals I am going to set, both professionally and personally, for this year.

Professional goals:

  1. Attend the American Library Association Conference.
  2. Find a fulfilling summer internship.
  3. Further develop my leadership and management skills through workshops, reading, and classes.
  4. Maintain this blog more regularly.
  5. Hone my skills at program planning and execution via my current internship at a major library.

Personal goals:

  1. Improve my knowledge of current affairs (I’ve gotten a bit lazy since I left journalism school).
  2. Travel more – visit at least one state I’ve never been to before and hopefully one new country.
  3. Recommit to reading in my spare time during the school year.
  4. Go on more dates with my partner (not just dinner at Taco Bell).
  5. Reconnect with friends with whom I have lost touch or only irregularly talk.